Heat exchangers. Table 2. SPECO approach applied to heat exchangers. Table 2. SPECO
Heat exchangers. Table two. SPECO system applied to heat exchangers. Table two. SPECO strategy applied to heat exchangers.Case Case Case Diagram Diagram DiagramDiagramExergy and Thromboxane B2 Protocol Exergoeconomic Exergy and Exergoeconomic Exergy and Exergoeconomic Balances Balances Balances Solution Fuel Item Fuel Item FuelAux Equations Aux Equations Aux EquationsAux Equations(a) (a) (a)ExPP = Ex – – Ex3 ExPP= Ex4 44- Ex33 Ex = . Ex4 .Ex3 CPP = four – -3 3 CCP= CCC44- CC33 P = four CEx = =. Ex11 .Ex2 two ExF FF =Ex1 — Ex22 ExF Ex1 – Ex Cff =C C11 C C two CfC== 1C– two C22 f 1-F:F: c11c=c22 c1 = 1= c two F: c(b) (b) (b)Ex P =. Ex four ExPPP = Ex4 44 Ex = Ex CP P = 4 44 CCP =CCC4 P=EFF = (Ex – – Ex+ + 3Ex three ) EFF= (Ex1 11- Ex22 )ExEx33 E = (Ex 1 Ex2 ) 2. + . . C f =C1 11 C C+ C 33 Cf Cf f== CC1- 2 C2+3CC3 – – 22 +F: c1 = c2 Or OrOr. . C-C-CC two C11- cc = (C1 -E two) 22 c3 = E 1 three =3F: cc1= cc2 F: 11 =2 1 (E11- E22 ) ) (E1 – EEnergies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER Overview (c) Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER Overview(c) (c)(c)ExPP= Ex2 22+ Ex44 ExPP = Ex ++ Ex four Ex = . Ex 2 .Ex4 C CC P= CCC22+ CC44 CP = two + +4 P =P 2ExF FF =Ex1 ++ Ex33 Ex ==. Ex11 .Ex3 three Ex F Ex 1 + Ex CfC== 1C11+ 3 C33 Cf f =C C+ C C +f 1P:P: cc2c=cc4 8 of 19 c2 = 2=4 44 8 of 19 P:(d) (d) (d)ExPP==Ex2 2 Ex Ex Ex P = . Ex 2 CCP= CC2 CP= two 2 P = CExFF= Ex1 1 +Ex3 – – Ex4 ) Ex = Ex1 ( (Ex3 – Ex Ex F = Ex ++. (Ex3. Ex4 ) four ) . CCf== 1C1 + 3C- -4C4 C 1 C 3 – Cf = C+ + C three C C4 fF: c3 = c4 Or OrOr. . CC-C- C4 C three four three cc = (E3 -E- C4 ) = c1 =13F: c = c F: c33 = c(E3 – E4 ) (E3 – E4 )(e) (e) (e)ExPP= Ex2 two – Ex1 Ex = Ex2 .Ex1 Ex P = .Ex — Ex1 CPP= CC2 – 1C1 C = C2 C CP = two – – CExF F =Ex3 – .- Ex4 Ex = Ex3 – four Ex F =. Ex3 ExEx4 CCf== 3C3 -4C4 C C 3 – f f = C- C CF: F: c33c= c44 c3 = = c F: cWorking with pressures above or equal to atmospheric pressure, even below the Working with pressures above or equal to atmospheric pressure, even beneath the dead state temperature, yields a constructive exergy price. dead state temperature, yields a positive exergy rate. The golden rule to solve the set of balance equations is the fact that when there’s more than The golden rule to solve the set of balance equations is that when there is far more than a single output stream, the number of MCC950 Purity auxiliary equations is (n – 1). For all cases presented in one particular output stream, the number of auxiliary equations is (n – 1). For all situations presented in Table 2, you will discover 4 streams (two inputs, two outputs, and thus 1 auxiliary equaTable two, you can find 4 streams (two inputs, two outputs, and hence one auxiliary equa-Energies 2021, 14,eight ofIt should be noted that as we move additional (above or beneath) the dead state temperature (To), the specific exergy becomes higher. Temperatures under the dead state temperature (To) have good specific exergy; any temperature equal for the value of dead state temperature (To) has no exergy. When defining the fuel and item of a heat exchanger, these are related for the exergy evaluation of the component. The objective of a heat exchanger is often to heat or cool a fluid; however, when carrying out an exergy evaluation, the solution is defined as an escalating exergy price or output exergy, which may be different from its objective. Working with pressures above or equal to atmospheric stress, even below the dead state temperature, yields a positive exergy price. The golden rule to solve the set of balance equations is the fact that when there’s far more than one particular output stream, the amount of auxiliary equations is (n – 1). For all cases presented in.