Y recommended based on the similarity using the absorption spectrum of
Y recommended determined by the similarity with the absorption spectrum of pyrene itself within the same situations and theoretical calculations [24]. Searching Photochem 2021, 1, FOR PEER Critique 7 in the HOMO and LUMO energies of pyrene, TTPyr1 , and TTPyr2 , it really is found that, although the HOMO energy is nearly continual along the series, the LUMO one considerably decreases (by 0.17 or 0.19 eV based on the conformation) from pyrene to TTPyr1 , and remains practically unvaried going to TTPyr2 .one hundred,Normalized Intensity (a.u.)1.0.(L cm_1mol_1)0.50,Wavelength (nm)0 300 350 400Wavelength (nm)Figure 2. Molar absorption coefficient for 2.five 10-6 M DMSO resolution of TTPyr1 (blue line), TTPyr2 Figure line), TTPyr3 (black coefficient pyrene10-6 M DMSO resolution of TTPyr1of 350 line),area for (red 2. Molar absorption line) and for two.five (green line). Inset: expansion (blue nm TTPyr2 (red line), TTPyr3 (black line) and pyrene (green line). Inset: expansion of 350 nm area for normalnormalized spectra of TTPyr1 (blue line), TTPyr2 (red line) and TTPyr3 (black line). ized spectra of TTPyr1 (blue line), TTPyr2 (red line) and TTPyr3 (black line).For the 3 compounds, perfectly overlapped emission spectra, consisting in an For extremely broad single fluorescent emission at about 420 nm, are measured (see Figure intensethe 3 compounds, completely overlapped emission spectra, consisting in an in-3). tense really broad single fluorescent emission at about 420 nm, are measured (see Figure The 3 compounds show impressively high quantum yields when compared with pyrene itself ( = 33.four ) within the impressively higher quantum suggesting that the TT with three). The 3 compounds displaysame situations (see Table 1), yields when compared moiety successfully suppresses exactly the same AAPK-25 Polo-like Kinase (PLK) circumstances (see Table 1), suggesting that the TT moipyrene itself ( = 33.4 ) inthe ACQ (aggregation caused quenching) phenomena affecting pyrene fluorescence [357]. Specifically, equal brought on and 74 have already been measured for ety effectively suppresses the ACQ (aggregation to 92, 78 quenching) phenomena affectTTPyr1 , fluorescence [357]. Particularly, equal , 92, 78 and 74 have and measing pyreneTTPyr2 , TTPyr3 , respectively, with lifetime, to equal to 2.76 [24], 9.22been 11.16 ns (Figures S11 and S14), , TTPyr3 respectively, with lifetime, , 10 to 2.76 [24], 9.22 and ured for TTPyr1, TTPyr2resulting, in kr values 33.three, eight.46 and six.67equal 7 s-1 and knr two.90, two.39 11.16 ns (Figures S11 and S14), resulting in kr values 33.three, eight.46 and six.67 107 s-1 and knr 2.90, two.39 and 2.29 107 s-1, respectively (see Table 1). The observed quantum yields are similar or larger than these reported in the literature for other mono-, di- and GNE-371 DNA/RNA Synthesis tri-pyrene substituted households. For example, DCM options of di- and tri-pyrene derivatives of car-Photochem 2021,Photochem 2021, 1, FOR PEER REVIEWand 2.29 107 s-1 , respectively (see Table 1). The observed quantum yields are comparable or eight greater than these reported within the literature for other mono-, di- and tri-pyrene substituted households. By way of example, DCM solutions of di- and tri-pyrene derivatives of carbazole and mono-, di- and tri-pyrene functionalized adamantane show equal to 94 and 72 [32] and 17, 19 and 19 [38] respectively.1.Normalized Intensity (a.u.)0.0.0Wavelength (nm)Figure three. Normalized emission (exc = 350 nm, solid lines) and excitation (em = 420 nm, dashed Figurelines) spectra ofemission-6 exc = 350 nm, strong lines) and excitation1(em = 420 nm, dashed lines) and 3. Normalize.