Diverse closures and distinct efficiency improvement levels. We calculated indicators for the rebound impact distinctive efficiency improvement levels. We calculated twotwo indicators for the rebound impact in the macro-level and production side . The exceeds 13 in the shortrun closures and 5 Pinacidil site inside the long-run closures, suggesting that the total rebound impact is significant in each the short- and long-run closures. The total rebound effect increases because the water efficiency improves. It’s worth noting that the total rebound impact inside the shortrun closure is considerably larger than within the long-run closure. This can be due to the fact, as the positiveWater 2021, 13,11 offrom the macro-level (R T ) and production side (R P ). The R T exceeds 13 inside the short-run closures and five in the long-run closures, suggesting that the total rebound effect is substantial in each the short- and long-run closures. The total rebound impact increases as the water efficiency improves. It is worth noting that the total rebound effect inside the short-run closure is a lot bigger than in the long-run closure. That is for the reason that, as the good impact around the macro-economy inside the long-run closure is decrease than inside the short-run closure, the water demand stimulated by the financial expansion within the former is also smaller sized. Therefore, enhancing water efficiency would save a lot more water sources inside the long-run closure, creating a smaller sized total rebound effect.Table two. Rebound effect of water efficiency improvement beneath distinctive closures. Short-Run Closure 1 Rt Rp 13.1096 0.4310 five 13.6153 1.1811 10 14.2236 two.0868 1 five.1443 0.1226 Long-Run Closure five 5.1502 0.1296 ten five.1576 0.Supply: ORANIG model simulation.Compared using the total rebound impact, the rebound effect in the production side is substantially smaller. Inside the short-run closure, the R P is estimated to GYY4137 manufacturer become 0.4310, 1.1811, and two.0868 if the water efficiency improves by 1 , five , and ten , respectively. Despite the fact that the total rebound effect is important, the rebound effect in the production side is little. This really is because the water efficiency improvement straight reduces the water consumption on the making sectors. This result also suggests that the total rebound effect is mainly derived in the incremental water consumption in the demand side, including households, investors, as well as the government. The water efficiency improvement would cut down the demand of producing sectors for water sources and lessen the cost of water sources, which would increase the water consumption by households, investors, and the government. Hence, the rebound effect of water efficiency improvement in the consumption side surpasses the rebound impact in the production side. Furthermore, the rebound impact in the production side in the short-run closure is greater than in the short-run closure. five. Discussion Most of the current research estimated the direct rebound effect for agriculture and irrigation systems [3,40,41], though only handful of studies have evaluated the economy-wide rebound impact of water efficiency improvement. However, water efficiency improvement would decrease the water consumption of agriculture, consequently lowering the water cost and raising the water consumption of nonagriculture sectors and residents. Therefore, these studies may perhaps over- or under-estimate the economic-wide rebound impact from the production side. As an example, Fei et al. (2021) identified that for a water efficiency improvement by 1 , the rebound impact of agriculture is 0.4931.