Nly to return them when they are critical …’ (Medical doctor fpsyg.2015.01865 ?2) `…’The truth is, when the patients are critically ill, they [relatives] take them to the hospital, and not to traditional Aviptadil web health practitioners. So, really the death rate will be very high. And the hospitals would look like they are not working …’ (Clinical psychologist ?4) `… Oh … that is the end of it. Imagine them coming to work in our fnins.2015.00094 hospital, throwing bones and beating drum next to you. Our standards are being compromised …’ (Social worker ?3)Themes and subthemesAnalyses of participants’ narratives and consultative discussions resulted in three main themes: (1) quality of health care, (2) concept of sciences and source of knowledge, (3) policy guidelines and training (Table 3). The themes are introduced first; then subthemes are substantiated by direct quotations from participants.Theme 1: Quality of health careThe first theme that emerged from the group discussions was on the quality of health care which AHPs strongly believe that it was being compromised by recognising THPs as health professionals alongside AHPs. There was generally a lack of order Litronesib knowledge among allopathic health practitioners on the Act regulating traditional health practitioners’ matters in South Africa. Some of the participants were not even aware that traditional health practitioners are to be recognised as health professionals and they should be integrated into the main health system:`Does it mean that they [THPs] are now health professionals like us? What is going on now? But we were never consulted about this Act … How is it going to work?’ (Clinical manager ?3)TABLE 3: Themes and subthemes.Theme Quality of health care Subtheme Lack of HIV and/or AIDS knowledge, skills and resources. Traditional health practitioners interfered with the efficacy of antiretroviral treatment. Traditional medicine uses unscientific methods and standards of care. It operates under secrecy and superstitions. Support for the development of policy on collaboration and training workshops on HIV and/or AIDS and TB.Although the attitudes and views expressed by participants differed from one individual to another, they all acknowledged that THPs were: … silently stealing our patients with the false promise and hope of cure for HIV/AIDS and other diseases. A doctor narrated a story of what happened:… they took ARV tablets, crash them into powder and mix it with their herbs and claim that they cure HIV and/or AIDS …’ (Pharmacist ?1)This was supported by professional nurse as follows:`… I am telling you, this will not work. Government should consult widely when they make these laws. Our value system, science of medicine and standard of care will be compromised if we recognise and accept traditional healers to treat our patients …’ (Professional nurse ?5)Theme 2: Concept of sciences and source of knowledgeThe second theme explored the concept of sciences and source of knowledge, which they strongly believed was not comparable and compatible to science. This theme developed from two subthemes: The first subtheme being that traditional medicine is unscientific. It is based on superstitions, secrecy and spirits. The other subtheme being that of secrecy and lack of scientific method. A social worker supported by a pharmacist insisted that:`… Traditional health practitioners believe in ritual killings, are we not supporting them if we work with them? They believe that Open AccessConcept of sciences and sourc.Nly to return them when they are critical …’ (Medical doctor fpsyg.2015.01865 ?2) `…’The truth is, when the patients are critically ill, they [relatives] take them to the hospital, and not to traditional health practitioners. So, really the death rate will be very high. And the hospitals would look like they are not working …’ (Clinical psychologist ?4) `… Oh … that is the end of it. Imagine them coming to work in our fnins.2015.00094 hospital, throwing bones and beating drum next to you. Our standards are being compromised …’ (Social worker ?3)Themes and subthemesAnalyses of participants’ narratives and consultative discussions resulted in three main themes: (1) quality of health care, (2) concept of sciences and source of knowledge, (3) policy guidelines and training (Table 3). The themes are introduced first; then subthemes are substantiated by direct quotations from participants.Theme 1: Quality of health careThe first theme that emerged from the group discussions was on the quality of health care which AHPs strongly believe that it was being compromised by recognising THPs as health professionals alongside AHPs. There was generally a lack of knowledge among allopathic health practitioners on the Act regulating traditional health practitioners’ matters in South Africa. Some of the participants were not even aware that traditional health practitioners are to be recognised as health professionals and they should be integrated into the main health system:`Does it mean that they [THPs] are now health professionals like us? What is going on now? But we were never consulted about this Act … How is it going to work?’ (Clinical manager ?3)TABLE 3: Themes and subthemes.Theme Quality of health care Subtheme Lack of HIV and/or AIDS knowledge, skills and resources. Traditional health practitioners interfered with the efficacy of antiretroviral treatment. Traditional medicine uses unscientific methods and standards of care. It operates under secrecy and superstitions. Support for the development of policy on collaboration and training workshops on HIV and/or AIDS and TB.Although the attitudes and views expressed by participants differed from one individual to another, they all acknowledged that THPs were: … silently stealing our patients with the false promise and hope of cure for HIV/AIDS and other diseases. A doctor narrated a story of what happened:… they took ARV tablets, crash them into powder and mix it with their herbs and claim that they cure HIV and/or AIDS …’ (Pharmacist ?1)This was supported by professional nurse as follows:`… I am telling you, this will not work. Government should consult widely when they make these laws. Our value system, science of medicine and standard of care will be compromised if we recognise and accept traditional healers to treat our patients …’ (Professional nurse ?5)Theme 2: Concept of sciences and source of knowledgeThe second theme explored the concept of sciences and source of knowledge, which they strongly believed was not comparable and compatible to science. This theme developed from two subthemes: The first subtheme being that traditional medicine is unscientific. It is based on superstitions, secrecy and spirits. The other subtheme being that of secrecy and lack of scientific method. A social worker supported by a pharmacist insisted that:`… Traditional health practitioners believe in ritual killings, are we not supporting them if we work with them? They believe that Open AccessConcept of sciences and sourc.