Ns TRAP exclusively forms a 12-mer ring. The crystal ��-Sitosterol ��-D-glucoside web structure of the 12-mer B. halodurans TRAP showed the C-terminal residues with a conformation different from those of the 11-mer TRAP of B. subtilis or B. stearothermophilus, which forms different interactions with the adjacent INCB039110 biological activity subunit allowing an increase
in the diameter of the ring [32]. However, the present study shows that symmetry significantly influences dynamics, and should be another imporFigure 10. Decomposition of the subunit fluctuations into intra and external fluctuations. Intra and external (translational and rotational) subunit fluctuations in the z-axis are shown for the two TRAPs. The internal 12926553 fluctuation was calculated after the superposition of each subunit onto its average structure, and the translational fluctuation was calculated by the variance of the center of mass of the subunit. The fluctuation of the rotation was estimated by subtracting the internal and translational contributions from the sum of the fluctuations without superimposing the subunit. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050011.gInfluence of Symmetry on Protein Dynamicstant factor for not only stability but also biological function (for example, ligand binding) of ring proteins, especially for large ring structures like the present case of C11 and C12.Materials and Methods Dataset for Homooligomeric ProteinsWe collected 1,440 complex structures of homooligomers from the PDB, determined by X-ray crystallography, and composed of at least five subunits according to PQS [33] and PISA [34]. The structures were clustered by BLASTCLUST [35] with 40 sequence identity and 80 length coverage. The structure with the highest resolution was selected as the representative from each cluster. Consequently, 495 structures were obtained in this way for analysis.The normal mode analysis of the ENM was performed using the symmetry basis of a Cartesian coordinate space (see below). The ??cut-off distance of Rc = 12 A, and K = 1.0 kcal mol21 A22 were ?chosen. Changing the cut-off distance to of Rc = 10 A did not alter the result.Group Theory and Symmetry CoordinatesIn the normal mode analysis, the symmetry of TRAP was taken into consideration based on the group theoretical approach [22?25] which has been used in the normal mode analysis of symmetric assemblies [26,40,41]. This approach represents the Hessian matrix on the basis of the symmetry coordinates. Group theory states that the symmetry coordinates are constructed with the irreducible representation of the symmetry group constituting a unique set of subspaces corresponding to the symmetry operations (rotations in the present example) [24,25]. The irreducible representations and the corresponding character tables of the cyclic groups C11 and C12 are given 15755315 in Tables 1 and 2. For the cyclic group Cn with n-fold symmetry, the basis of the complex subspace ep (p 1, . . . ,n) corresponding to the irreducible representation Tp has the form [26,41]: ???qp uk ,v {1?Ruk ,v2 {1?R2 uk , . . . ,v {1 p{1?Rn{1 uk :??kIdentification of Ring StructuresRing structures were identified if the mass centers of subunits were located on the plane whose normal coincided with the symmetry axis of Cn (Figure 1A). In practice, an oligomeric structure was judged as a candidate of having a ring structure when the third principal component calculated from the Ca ?coordinates was less than 2.0 A. We obtained 106 candidates by this automatic procedure, and after visual inspection, 90 structures w.Ns TRAP exclusively forms a 12-mer ring. The crystal structure of the 12-mer B. halodurans TRAP showed the C-terminal residues with a conformation different from those of the 11-mer TRAP of B. subtilis or B. stearothermophilus, which forms different interactions with the adjacent subunit allowing an increase in the diameter of the ring [32]. However, the present study shows that symmetry significantly influences dynamics, and should be another imporFigure 10. Decomposition of the subunit fluctuations into intra and external fluctuations. Intra and external (translational and rotational) subunit fluctuations in the z-axis are shown for the two TRAPs. The internal 12926553 fluctuation was calculated after the superposition of each subunit onto its average structure, and the translational fluctuation was calculated by the variance of the center of mass of the subunit. The fluctuation of the rotation was estimated by subtracting the internal and translational contributions from the sum of the fluctuations without superimposing the subunit. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050011.gInfluence of Symmetry on Protein Dynamicstant factor for not only stability but also biological function (for example, ligand binding) of ring proteins, especially for large ring structures like the present case of C11 and C12.Materials and Methods Dataset for Homooligomeric ProteinsWe collected 1,440 complex structures of homooligomers from the PDB, determined by X-ray crystallography, and composed of at least five subunits according to PQS [33] and PISA [34]. The structures were clustered by BLASTCLUST [35] with 40 sequence identity and 80 length coverage. The structure with the highest resolution was selected as the representative from each cluster. Consequently, 495 structures were obtained in this way for analysis.The normal mode analysis of the ENM was performed using the symmetry basis of a Cartesian coordinate space (see below). The ??cut-off distance of Rc = 12 A, and K = 1.0 kcal mol21 A22 were ?chosen. Changing the cut-off distance to of Rc = 10 A did not alter the result.Group Theory and Symmetry CoordinatesIn the normal mode analysis, the symmetry of TRAP was taken into consideration based on the group theoretical approach [22?25] which has been used in the normal mode analysis of symmetric assemblies [26,40,41]. This approach represents the Hessian matrix on the basis of the symmetry coordinates. Group theory states that the symmetry coordinates are constructed with the irreducible representation of the symmetry group constituting a unique set of subspaces corresponding to the symmetry operations (rotations in the present example) [24,25]. The irreducible representations and the corresponding character tables of the cyclic groups C11 and C12 are given 15755315 in Tables 1 and 2. For the cyclic group Cn with n-fold symmetry, the basis of the complex subspace ep (p 1, . . . ,n) corresponding to the irreducible representation Tp has the form [26,41]: ???qp uk ,v {1?Ruk ,v2 {1?R2 uk , . . . ,v {1 p{1?Rn{1 uk :??kIdentification of Ring StructuresRing structures were identified if the mass centers of subunits were located on the plane whose normal coincided with the symmetry axis of Cn (Figure 1A). In practice, an oligomeric structure was judged as a candidate of having a ring structure when the third principal component calculated from the Ca ?coordinates was less than 2.0 A. We obtained 106 candidates by this automatic procedure, and after visual inspection, 90 structures w.