Capitulates many of the key characteristics of primary brain EC and thus hasAntigen uptake analysisThe ability of HBEC to take up fluorescently labeled protein was assessed using flow cytometry after the cells were incubatedBrain Endothelium and T Cell Proliferationbeen validated as an excellent model of the BBB for in vitro studies [18?0]. A number of adhesion molecules known to be expressed by brain endothelium are involved, under inflammatory conditions, in the migration of activated leukocytes across the BBB. Flow cytometric analysis of HBEC cells not only confirmed the strong basal expression of ICAM-1, but also demonstrated a marked upregulation following stimulation with TNF and/or IFNc (Fig. 1). Endoglin (CD105), an EC marker predominantly expressed by Pleuromutilin chemical information proliferating EC was expressed at high levels basally, with no regulation in expression seen following pro-inflammatory cytokine stimulation (Fig. 1). Similarly, MHC I (b2-microglobulin) was expressed at high levels basally on HBEC with no increase Castanospermine price observed following cytokine stimulation (Fig. 1). This is in contrast to previous results whereby MHC I expression has been shown to be upregulated by stimulation with IFNa, -b or [21]. Despite this, our results provide evidence that HBEC, like most cell types, possess the minimal requirement for antigen presentation to CD8+ T cells. In contrast to MHC I, despite the low basal expression of MHC II on HBEC cells, its expression was greatly increased upon the addition of IFNc or TNF+IFNc (Fig. 1), highlighting a potential role for these cells in antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells. Previous analysis of MHC II on EC has proved difficult in vivo, with constitutive expression only detected in post-capillary venules [22]. Whilst the expression of the co-stimulatory molecules CD80/CD86 (B7-1/B7-2) was not 23977191 detected on resting or cytokinestimulated HBEC cells, the co-stimulatory molecule, CD40 was detected following stimulation with IFNc or TNF+IFNc (Fig. 1), indicating that like MHC II the expression is regulated by IFNc. Previously, CD40 has been demonstrated to be constitutively expressed on primary human brain ECs, with this expression being upregulated following cytokine stimulation [23]. The expression of this co-stimulatory molecule on brain EC provides key evidence for their potential role as APC 23727046 as the binding of CD40L on helper T cells to CD40 activates `APCs’ to upregulate the expression of more co-stimulatory molecules, increase cytokine expression and promote T cell differentiation [24]. Finally, inducible co-stimulator ligand (ICOSL) expression was detectedon HBEC following TNF stimulation (Fig. 1). ICOS and its ligand, ICOSL are members of the CD28 family of co-stimulators mediating effector T cell differentiation [25]. Previously, ICOSL has been detected not only basally on human umbilical vein ECs but also upregulated
by cytokine stimulation [25,26].HBEC take up antigens using macropinocytosis and clathrin-coated pitsA recent study from our laboratory demonstrated that during malaria, the transfer of parasite antigens to ECs can take place [3], however, the precise mechanisms behind this remain unclear. The ability of our HBEC to take up soluble antigens was assessed in vitro using fluorescently labeled antigens in a classic antigen uptake experiment. The ability of HBEC to take up antigen via macropinocytosis and clathrin-coated pits was assessed using Lucifer yellow and FITC-OVA respectively. The amount of fluorescence inco.Capitulates many of the key characteristics of primary brain EC and thus hasAntigen uptake analysisThe ability of HBEC to take up fluorescently labeled protein was assessed using flow cytometry after the cells were incubatedBrain Endothelium and T Cell Proliferationbeen validated as an excellent model of the BBB for in vitro studies [18?0]. A number of adhesion molecules known to be expressed by brain endothelium are involved, under inflammatory conditions, in the migration of activated leukocytes across the BBB. Flow cytometric analysis of HBEC cells not only confirmed the strong basal expression of ICAM-1, but also demonstrated a marked upregulation following stimulation with TNF and/or IFNc (Fig. 1). Endoglin (CD105), an EC marker predominantly expressed by proliferating EC was expressed at high levels basally, with no regulation in expression seen following pro-inflammatory cytokine stimulation (Fig. 1). Similarly, MHC I (b2-microglobulin) was expressed at high levels basally on HBEC with no increase observed following cytokine stimulation (Fig. 1). This is in contrast to previous results whereby MHC I expression has been shown to be upregulated by stimulation with IFNa, -b or [21]. Despite this, our results provide evidence that HBEC, like most cell types, possess the minimal requirement for antigen presentation to CD8+ T cells. In contrast to MHC I, despite the low basal expression of MHC II on HBEC cells, its expression was greatly increased upon the addition of IFNc or TNF+IFNc (Fig. 1), highlighting a potential role for these cells in antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells. Previous analysis of MHC II on EC has proved difficult in vivo, with constitutive expression only detected in post-capillary venules [22]. Whilst the expression of the co-stimulatory molecules CD80/CD86 (B7-1/B7-2) was not 23977191 detected on resting or cytokinestimulated HBEC cells, the co-stimulatory molecule, CD40 was detected following stimulation with IFNc or TNF+IFNc (Fig. 1), indicating that like MHC II the expression is regulated by IFNc. Previously, CD40 has been demonstrated to be constitutively expressed on primary human brain ECs, with this expression being upregulated following cytokine stimulation [23]. The expression of this co-stimulatory molecule on brain EC provides key evidence for their potential role as APC 23727046 as the binding of CD40L on helper T cells to CD40 activates `APCs’ to upregulate the expression of more co-stimulatory molecules, increase cytokine expression and promote T cell differentiation [24]. Finally, inducible co-stimulator ligand (ICOSL) expression was detectedon HBEC following TNF stimulation (Fig. 1). ICOS and its ligand, ICOSL are members of the CD28 family of co-stimulators mediating effector T cell differentiation [25]. Previously, ICOSL has been detected not only basally on human umbilical vein ECs but also upregulated by cytokine stimulation [25,26].HBEC take up antigens using macropinocytosis and clathrin-coated pitsA recent study from our laboratory demonstrated that during malaria, the transfer of parasite antigens to ECs can take place [3], however, the precise mechanisms behind this remain unclear. The ability of our HBEC to take up soluble antigens was assessed in vitro using fluorescently labeled antigens in a classic antigen uptake experiment. The ability of HBEC to take up antigen via macropinocytosis and clathrin-coated pits was assessed using Lucifer yellow and FITC-OVA respectively. The amount of fluorescence inco.