Mber of solutions set to 100. These 100 docking scores were then used for statistical analysis to evaluate the binding affinity between the KRAS models and GTP.Molecular DynamicsMD simulations were performed using the GROMACS package with the GROMOS96 43A1 force field [43]. The topology files for the ligands were obtained from the PRODRG server [44]. The systems were solvated with simple point charge (SPC) water molecules, and the systems were simulated in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions. The energy of the systems was first minimized using the steepest descent algorithm until it reached 22948146 a tolerance of 10 kJ/mol/nm. After equilibrating with fixed protein at 300 K for a number of picoseconds, all of the systems were gradually relaxed and heated up to 300 K. Finally,Computational Analysis of KRAS Mutationsthe MD simulations were performed under constant pressure and order P7C3 temperature for 20.0 ns using an integration time step of 2 fs. Additionally, the electrostatic interactions were calculated using the PME algorithm [45] with an interpolation order of 4 and a grid ?spacing of 0.16. The non-bonded interactions were cutoff at 14 A. The coordinates from the MD simulations were saved every 2 ps. The analyses were performed using the programs within the GROMACS package. The 3D molecular graphs were displayed using PyMOL [46].regulators and effectors. The amino acid R789/GAP is an important catalytic residue that interacts with the P-loop. The KRAS mutations of p.Gly12Asp and p.Gly13Asp were constructed using the same method as the WT structure and the replacements were both located in the P-loop region. The aim of this study was to perform a detailed examination of the structural flexibility of the P-loop and the switch I and II regions of human KRAS upon its binding with GTP.Protein Dynamics Simulation Analysis Analysis of MD TrajectoriesThe trajectories of WT and MT were analyzed for the following structural properties as a function of time: (a) the root mean square deviation (RMSD) of the sensitive sites (P-loop, switch I and II regions) with respect to their starting conformations; (b) the pocket distances between the mass center of residues 12?3 and the mass center of residues 32?4, which are located at the P-loop and switch I region, respectively; (c) the B-factors [47] of Ca atoms, which were calculated from the last 10.0 ns of the MD trajectories; (d) the covariance analysis of Ca atoms. The RMSD is the measure of the average distance between the atoms of the superimposed proteins. Therefore, it can be used to evaluate the 1516647 degree of protein conformational change. The B-factors in the protein structures reflect the fluctuation of atoms about their average positions. A large B-factor indicates high flexibility of the individual atoms. For the MD simulations, the trajectories of the WT and MT KRAS in the explicit solvent were calculated. The backbone RMSD Acid
Yellow 23 price values for WT and MT KRAS during the production phase relative to the starting structures were plotted (Figure S1) to obtain an estimate of the MD trajectory quality and convergence. The simulations of WT and MT KRAS indicate that, after a rapid increase during the first 2.0 ns, the trajectories stabilized, with ???average values of 1.54 A, 1.82 A, and 1.61 A for WT and the c.35G.A (p.G12D) and c.38G.A (p.G13D) KRAS mutants, respectively. Statistical analysis of the RMSD data reveals that the trajectories are more stable after the first 10 ns. Therefore, only the second half of.Mber of solutions set to 100. These 100 docking scores were then used for statistical analysis to evaluate the binding affinity between the KRAS models and GTP.Molecular DynamicsMD simulations were performed using the GROMACS package with the GROMOS96 43A1 force field [43]. The topology files for the ligands were obtained from the PRODRG server [44]. The systems were solvated with simple point charge (SPC) water molecules, and the systems were simulated in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions. The energy of the systems was first minimized using the steepest descent algorithm until it reached 22948146 a tolerance of 10 kJ/mol/nm. After equilibrating with fixed protein at 300 K for a number of picoseconds, all of the systems were gradually relaxed and heated up to 300 K. Finally,Computational Analysis of KRAS Mutationsthe MD simulations were performed under constant pressure and temperature for 20.0 ns using an integration time step of 2 fs. Additionally, the electrostatic interactions were calculated using the PME algorithm [45] with an interpolation order of 4 and a grid ?spacing of 0.16. The non-bonded interactions were cutoff at 14 A. The coordinates from the MD simulations were saved every 2 ps. The analyses were performed using the programs within the GROMACS package. The 3D molecular graphs were displayed using PyMOL [46].regulators and effectors. The amino acid R789/GAP is an important catalytic residue that interacts with the P-loop. The KRAS mutations of p.Gly12Asp and p.Gly13Asp were constructed using the same method as the WT structure and the replacements were both located in the P-loop region. The aim of this study was to perform a detailed examination of the structural flexibility of the P-loop and the switch I and II regions of human KRAS upon its binding with GTP.Protein Dynamics Simulation Analysis Analysis of MD TrajectoriesThe trajectories of WT and MT were analyzed for the following structural properties as a function of time: (a) the root mean square deviation (RMSD) of the sensitive sites (P-loop, switch I and II regions) with respect to their starting conformations; (b) the pocket distances between the mass center of residues 12?3 and the mass center of residues 32?4, which are located at the P-loop and switch I region, respectively; (c) the B-factors [47] of Ca atoms, which were calculated from the last 10.0 ns of the MD trajectories; (d) the covariance analysis of Ca atoms. The RMSD is the measure of the average distance between the atoms of the superimposed proteins. Therefore, it can be used to evaluate the 1516647 degree of protein conformational change. The B-factors in the protein structures reflect the fluctuation of atoms about their average positions. A large B-factor indicates high flexibility of the individual atoms. For the MD simulations, the trajectories of the WT and MT KRAS in the explicit solvent were calculated. The backbone RMSD values for WT and MT KRAS during the production phase relative to the starting structures were plotted (Figure S1) to obtain an estimate of the MD trajectory quality and convergence. The simulations of WT and MT KRAS indicate that, after a rapid increase during the first 2.0 ns, the trajectories stabilized, with ???average values of 1.54 A, 1.82 A, and 1.61 A for WT and the c.35G.A (p.G12D) and c.38G.A (p.G13D) KRAS mutants, respectively. Statistical analysis of the RMSD data reveals that the trajectories are more stable after the first 10 ns. Therefore, only the second half of.